The importance of cultivating connection
In our modern days there are so many means of communication, and yet it seems that there are considerable difficulties in aligning ideas among nations, people in general or in the families.
Despite possessing so many tools for communication (smartphones, tablets, social media, e-mails) we still live far away from each other. The significant gap in our civilisations is that we are no longer able to listen to each other sincerely. If we fail to communicate, our energy genuinely is blocked internally, and this will make us sick. Our disease causes pains, and these pains are poured into the people who surround us. If we want to be connected with others, we don't need to send them more posts on social media or similar, but we need to listen to them more. Listening with depth creates understanding. Understanding involves more connection among humans. To listen deeply we must learn to calm our inner noises, our thoughts. Sometimes a spiritual friend may be of great help in our lives like a real-life teacher. He or she can help us to establish a better connection.
A real teacher is the one who does not fear the inner silence and has a great sense of freedom. This person can be younger than you. Finding a spiritual friend is very rare even more rare in life than a solar eclipse. Being in contact with such a person can be of great benefit for others. This person can awaken in us a great sense of understanding, happiness and freedom. This person becomes a real refuge for us in which we can stimulate our sense of independence and joy.
We have to use our time well with these friends otherwise we will not be able to reap the benefits hoped for. By merely observing them we can learn from their wisdom. A spiritual friend can be anyone, and when you find them, you can only experience a great sense of happiness. The author of the "Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: "Love is not to look at each other, but to look outward in the same direction." In any relationship (partners, friends, colleagues) usually, very often you end up blaming others. It must be understood that in a relationship both parties are responsible for the course that the report takes. In most circumstances, none of us knows how to handle suffering. Very often people are not able to do a fundamental analysis where they say, "I made mistakes. I thought, talked and acted in ways that have damaged our happiness and compromised our connection. "
When we manage to make a constructive path of this genre, then we will be able to express with sincerity and awareness our desire to start our relationship anew.
True lovers should always look in the direction of peace. It is our job to relieve suffering from our partners or our friends.
Every time we help the people around us to suffer less, our happiness grows. This process helps ourselves and the people around us by consolidating even more the great sense of collective happiness.
Giuseppe Loporchio
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