We are connected with the Universe

Over 70 years of research into what is called new physics are revealing a meaningful conclusion. Everything in the universe is connected. The historical difference between the present and the past of this concept lies in the fact that previously we had merely been told that the connection existed. The notion of "sensitive dependence on initial conditions" or butterfly effect suggests that what we do 'here' it affects 'there'. These concepts are part of the chaos theory. In other words, in a system, small variations in initial conditions can produce significant differences in long-term behaviour. Some research has shown that these connections exist because of us. In other words, each of us can touch the force that drives the entire Universe every day. However it is necessary to know that the power to do it is dormant, and it must be activated. How? We must change the way we think. We must believe that in reality we are connected and therefore united to the Universe as part of it and not as a separate entity. The connection that combines all things opens new horizons for modern science. For example, particles of light (photons) were observed in two separate places at a certain distance at precisely the same time. Things in nature seem to share information faster than was predicted by Albert Einstein. Historically these phenomena were believed impossible, but in reality, they are possible. The freedom of movement that quantum particles demonstrate can reveal how the rest of the universe works. While these results may seem completely futuristic, in reality, such experiments deserve no doubt more investigation. However, if we give credibility to what has been found so far, we can conclude that there is something that is even faster than the speed of light, and it would explain how two photons can be observed simultaneously in two different places at the same time. It is thought that the coupling of the imagination with emotion can give life to something that becomes a reality. The poet William Blake has acknowledged the power of imagination as the essence of our existence rather than something we can occasionally experience in our spare time. "Man is all imagination," he said, clarifying, "The eternal body of man is imagination, that is, God himself."

In the universe, there must be a connection between the memories of the past and the realities of the present and also the future. Einstein believed that the past and the future were intertwined and he called this reality space-time. He used to think that the distinction of past, present and future would be a persistent illusion. These relationships make us understand that we are connected not only with everything we see in our lives today but also with everything that has happened in the past, as well as in the events that have not yet occurred. What we are experiencing now is the result of events that have occurred in a part of the universe that we cannot even see.
These implications change several things. The fact that an energy field connects everything from global peace to personal health suddenly can explain that what in the past were considered miracles and fantasy now suddenly become a real part of our lives. These connections no longer give random sense and any experience we make, good or bad, right or wrong that is they all have their specific meanings.

Giuseppe Loporchio

Source: The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden


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