The beginning

There is a place where all things have started; this is a place of pure energy. In 1944, Max Planck, the originator of quantum theory, stated that this "matrix" is the place where the stars, life, and all that exist in this world are born. In more recent years several scientific types of research have revealed that Planck's "matrix" is real. This "matrix" is the question mark that no longer appears to be a mystery, that link between reality and our imagination in which our beliefs play a fundamental role in reflecting our world. The strength of this matrix can be unleashed in our lives only on one condition: we must understand the code in which it speaks, analyse it and finally inebriate our lives with this overwhelming force. Our imagination could be a fundamental part of the reality that we create around us every day. Our limits are our beliefs, and with some training,  we can change our lives for the better.
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu

Giuseppe Loporchio

Source: The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden


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