
Showing posts from October, 2020

Are individualistic societies worse at responding to pandemics?

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently suggested that coronavirus infections are higher in the UK than Germany or Italy because Britons love freedom more, and find it harder to adhere to control measures. Unsurprisingly, this view has attracted a lot of criticism. Some have argued that Germany and Italy love freedom just as much as the UK. Others suggest the difference is down to the quality of these countriesā€™ test and trace systems. Thereā€™s no hard evidence to prove Boris Johnson wrong, but across the Atlantic, economist Paul Krugman has suggested something similar. The USā€™s poor pandemic response, he says, is down to politicians and policy failing to get people to act responsibly. Loving freedom is, in his eyes, the excuse for ā€œAmericaā€™s cult of selfishnessā€. While we canā€™t 100% pinpoint the reasons behind the high case numbers in Britain and America, itā€™s interesting to see the UK prime minister and a Nobel laureate making similar arguments. Just how plausible are their cla...