Too many children with autism are let down by schools and end up in prison
Chrissie Rogers, University of Bradford For many young people, school can be a difficult place. And for some, it can be just about impossible. Negative experiences in school can have harmful long-term effects on pupils with autism spectrum conditions. Official figures show that children are increasingly being suspended or expelled from school because of ābehavioural problemsā ā many of which include children on the autism spectrum. Some regions in the UK have experienced a 100% increase in these types of exclusions since 2011. So despite policy rhetoric on ā inclusive education ā ā where children ought to be educated in mainstream schools ā recent figures show school exclusions are increasing: from 6,685 pupils to 7,720 between 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. In my current research , I interviewed mothers of adult children with autism and other social, emotional and mental health problems. They told me how their young sons had been a challenge in school. And how despi...